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Soft Comp Solutions developed customized software on various platforms for different types of customers for their business applications. We use different development platforms like Windows-based (VB.NET & C#) distributed client Servers, Web-based, Mobile development, Public and Private Cloud-based, etc. We cater to all business verticals and application models as per customer-specific requirements. We have completed more than 50 projects for more than 200 clients. Developed more than 25 cross-industry and industry-specific solutions plus a full suite of tools and accelerators that speed time to benefits, reduce risk, and lower overall IT costs.

Soft Comp Solutions has a growing Software Development Division. We have specialized skills in Web-based Application Development, Customized Software Development, and Mobile Applications (Android) Development using custom software programming including Visual Basic 6, VB.NET, C#, ASP.NET, AJAX, and Database in MS SQL Server Technologies.

Information Technology is a fast-growing industry. New architecture and multiplying software platforms are forcing application development to undergo a massive sea change in existing technologies. And yet the pressure of building a robust & agile application is growing continuously. The technical skill factor has no longer remained the guarantee to primary success: collaboration, accountability, compliance, Software Development portfolio, and resource management are all becoming key factors of the new Application Development Team.

If you are looking for Readymade ERP Accounting Software in Distribution and Retail Management, Manufacturer and Production House, Health Care Services (Hospital Management), Transport Service, Textile Industry (cloth Manufacturer), Housekeeping, Manpower & Facility Management, Import/Export, or Shipping Companies, Corrugation Industries, etc. then Soft Comp Solutions is the right place for you.

Technologies Used: Visual Studio 2005 / 2008 / 2010 / 2012, .NET Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5

Languages Used: V. B. 6, VB.NET, C#, AJAX, ASP.NET, Java Script, React Native, React, NodeJS

Database: SQL Server 2005 / 2008 / 2010 / 2012 / 2014 / 2016 R2

Operating System: Window 2008/2012 Server, Window XP/ 7 / 8 / 10 / 11, Android

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